Following the death of a councillor, we have a vacancy for a councillor on Caistor Town Council. No election has been called and the vacancy is now open for co-option.
Caistor Town Council takes care of the parks, play areas, cemetery, churchyards, town hall building, allotments and grass cutting around the town. We liaise with other teirs of local government to make Caistor a better place to live, work and visit. The council is made up of 14 councillors, who all give their time freely to support the town.
If you are passionate about your community, want to get involved shaping your community and have some time to spare, why not apply to be a town councillor? We need people from all backgrounds and experiences who reflect the community join the council.
To apply for the role, please complete the Co-option application form - Councillor Vacancy information and application
For more information please contact the town clerk Michelle Moss clerk@caistortowncouncil.gov.uk
To be eligible to apply for the role of Councillor, you should meet with at least one of the following:-
- Registered as a local government elector for the Parish on the current Electoral Register
- Has during the whole of the previous 12 months occupied as tenant or owner of any land or other premises in the Parish.
- His/her principal or only place of work in the previous 12 months has been in the Parish
- Has resided either in the Parish or within 4.8 kilometres (3 miles) thereof during the previous 12 months
You can’t be a councillor if you:
- Work for the council you want to be a councillor for, you can work for another local authority as long as you are not in a political restricted post.
- Are the subject of a bankruptcy restrictions order or interim order.
- Have been sentenced to prison for three months or more (including suspended sentences) during the five years before election day.
- Have been convicted of a corrupt or illegal practice by an election court.
- Are subject to any relevant notification requirements, or a relevant order, in respect of a sexual offence.