CTC Minutes November 2020

MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF CAISTOR TOWN COUNCIL, held virtually on zoom on Thursday 12 November 2020, commencing at 7pm. Please note that the Council are still operating under delegated powers to the Chairman in consultation with the Town Clerk. 

PRESENT: Cllrs J Wright (Chairman), J Bowman, A Clark, S Critten, S Davey, S Gaughan, M Galligan, J Hughes, C Mackenzie, C Rudd, A Somerscales, S Wright 

IN ATTENDANCE: District Cllr O Bierley, Mrs D Tuckett (Press), 1 member of the public, Mr J Hanrahan (Town Clerk). 

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND REASONS GIVEN: Cllrs S Duprat, M Sizer and District Cllr A Lawrence 


3. PLANNING REPORT. Cllr S Gaughan the Planning Committee Chairman presented his report which had been circulated in advance. Members noted his report and considered his recommendations then resolved the following: 

a. 141807. Rear of 12 High Street, Caistor. Planning application for the conversion of existing building to form 2 no semi-detached dwellings. Members were concerned that the new residents would use the Town Hall Car Park as an overspill for themselves and visitors to said properties. There was concern that spaces would be lost in the car park to accommodate the 'right of way'. Objection on the grounds of a reduction in on-site parking at the Town Hall Car Park. 

b. 141812. Caistor Yarborough Academy, Grimsby Road, Caistor. Notification of prior approval for installation of solar pv system on roof. No objection 

c. 141820. 11 Plough Hill, Caistor. Cllr Davey declared a personal interest. Planning application for conversion of former workshop into two residential units with associated landscaping and parking. No objection. 

d. 141908 18a South Street, Caistor. Replacement of UPVC windows. No objection. 

To note any Planning Applications which have been granted, refused or withdrawn since the last Planning Meeting: 

Applications 141618, 141523, 141522, 141669 Granted. 141665 withdrawn by applicant. 

4. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT. The Chairman reported on the socially distanced Remembrance Sunday event where he on behalf of the Town Council layed a wreath. He thanked Dianne Tuckett (Market Rasen Mail) for her coverage of the event and her fair and comprehensive coverage of all Town Council matters. 

5. MINUTES AND DELEGATED DECISIONS TAKEN SINCE THE LAST TOWN COUNCIL MEETING ON 8 OCTOBER 2020. Cllr Bowman questioned the accuracy of the minute regarding approval of payment of the NEBOSH fee believing that it was to be reported back first. The Council however agreed that the minute was accurate. The minutes were then agreed. 


a. Police Report. Noted. 

b. LCC Report. No report received but the Town Clerk advised that all actions minuted had been actioned by himself. 

c. WLDC Report. The Chairman on behalf of the Town Council congratulated Cllr O Bierley on his appointment and wished him well in his new role. A copy of his comprehensive report had been sent to all councillors prior to the meeting. Members thanked local WLDC staff on their efforts to keep Caistor tidy (Jim, Pete & Simon). 


a. Cleaning and General Maintenance. CTC operatives (Kim Hodson & Nobby Clark) are keeping on top of works in the town in particular leaf clearing and painting. The black and white post and rail fencing around the bypass and in town is progressing well when the weather is dry. The cemetery fence and gates are half completed in the original black and gold. Managing leaf fall continues to be taxing. 

b. Freedom of Information (FOI). The FOI request regarding the Sports and Social Club has been responded to as has an additional request for further information. 

c. Market Operation: 

(1) Members were aware that until 2 December 2020 the traders at the Saturday Market can by law only sell food products. This includes the butcher, greengrocer, bread and sweets stalls with customers socially distanced. We do not have a formal marshall at the event but several councillors attend along with Neil Burkes. There was a minor accident when erecting stalls when Cllr Rudd received a cut finger. This has been entered into the accident book. 

(2) Members present agreed that we would again assemble the stalls and this is likely to continue until the end of the year. Additional payment would be required for the pre-erected stalls. There would also be a booking facility available from next week so that we would know how many stalls to erect. Cllr S Critten is sorting this out and is already engaging with some publicity for our market. Volunteers are needed to erect and take down the stalls. 

(3) Members agreed that in the New Year contractors may be needed to set up and take down the stalls each week at £13.50 per person per hour. The Town Clerk to approach our contractors in the first instance. Traders may be interested in having an allocated stall erected for them at an extra £5 charge. There may be a requirement to employ some staff and unpaid volunteers to manage the site and erect and take down our stalls or gazebos. 

d. Parks – Independent Survey. The annual independent survey of our three play areas has been undertaken. The reports have been emailed to councillors and will be actioned according to priority order. The high priority work to the swing at Millfield’s was actioned upon receipt. Councillors noted that the loosening of bolts seems to be largely due to petty vandalism but the cycle rack is due to the need for deeper bolts. 

e. General Maintenance and Cleaning Payment. Contractors had asked that they be 

paid on presentation of their time sheets rather than await full Town Council approval. The acting RFO stated that she had spoken to Mr Hodson and agreed fortnightly payment to the end of the year. This to be reviewed in the New Year. Mr Hodson has emailed Cllr Bowman agreeing to this arrangement. 

f. Town Hall Arts and Heritage Centre and Town Council Office. The mould on the wall adjoining 12 High Street is expanding and with black spores. Attempts to get tradesmen to attend have so far proven difficult. The roofer is being pressed for urgent action. The Town Hall Management Committee has asked the Town Council to address the issues with the external wall which needs to be repaired to prevent water ingress and repair cracks. Members agreed that the Town Clerk arrange for the works to be investigated and to obtain quotes for those works. 

g. Civic Awards. The Town Council formally congratulated Neil Burkes and Pam & Mike Cluff on their well-deserved Civic Awards from West Lindsey District Council. 

h. Christmas Tree. It is proposed to erect the 30ft Christmas Tree on Sunday 15 November. This will require overnight parking in the Market Place to be suspended on Saturday 14 November 2020. Signage will be erected to advise users of this restriction. An updated health and safety/risk assessment will be required; however, no road closure will be necessary. 

j. Mill Lane. ACIS have agreed to cover the cost of replacing the misplaced 8 tonnes of White Rock Salt via Travis Perkins. They have also agreed to grant a licence to use the cleared site for temporary long stay car parking. The acting RFO is to place the order for the White Rock Salt. 

k. Town Council Website. Lincolnshire County Council have redesigned the platform for all Parish/Town Council websites This will be launched on 1 January 2021 and the old sites will no longer be serviced. The transfer of information from old to new site is being carried out at no charge by Mr Peter Langford in association with Lincolnshire Country Council who are supporting the transfer of 40 Parish Council sites in the County on to the new system. 

l. Councillor Training. Councillors are encouraged to participate in the LALC training programme for which we have been registered. Consideration to be given to a whole council bespoke training programme. Members agreed to the offer which it is understood to be covered by our funding agreement with LALC. The training will be held on a Thursday evening at 7pm via zoom with the date to be agreed. 


Confirmation of Payments and Receipts for October 2020. Resolved to accept. 

Annual Return for the year ended 31st March 2020: 

a. Execute Annual Governance Statement: Executed. 

b. To approve amended Statement of Accounts: Approved. 

c. Consider the Councils Projected Requirement for 2021/22. The recommendation from the Finance Committee that, after some trimming back of the budget, the precept could be frozen for 2021-22, was accepted by council. Cllr Clark enquired why the Sports and Social Security Door was not registered. The acting RFO agreed to investigate but said it 

was likely an error. 

d. Resolve on Precept for 2021/22. Precept figure of £93,900 resolved unanimously. 

e. Caistor Tennyson Tigers FC. The acting RFO advised that she had discussed the request for £1000 s137 grant with Mr Reece of Tennyson Tigers and that the Finance Committee had agreed a reduced grant of £500. 

f. Bank Account Signatories. It was agreed that Cllrs S Critten and A Clark as Natwest bank account holders be added to the account. 

9. CORRESPONDENCE. The Chairman advised that he had received an email from a parishioner regarding Caistor Riding School breaking the Government’s lockdown rules. Members agreed that this was a Police/WLDC matter and the Chairman agreed to advise the complainant accordingly. 

10. PARKS AND PLAY AREAS MONTHLY INSPECTION. The inspection this month has been completed externally by Play Inspections and a comprehensive report had been circulated to all councillors. A report on prioritised actions will be presented to the December 2020 meeting. 


a. Lincolnshire Cares. No recent meetings have taken place. All members on 13 December will receive a gift for Christmas of cake, mince pies etc. 

b. Caistor Goes. No recent meetings have taken place. A wreath was laid by Caistor Goes on Remembrance Sunday. 

c. Caistor Sports and Social Club. Closed until 2 December. CIC would like a formal lease from the Town Council. They are erecting some external lights to illuminate the car park. Arranging to contribute to the solicitor’s bill subject to breakdown. 

d. Caistor Development Land Trust. Presentation on progress is now on Facebook. Cllr Critten agreed to send the link to councillors. 

e. Covid-19 Volunteers. Foodbank still being utilised, though now based at New Life in Market Rasen. Local volunteers are still distributing to 12 persons still being helped directly with food shopping and prescriptions. 

f. Town Hall Management. The Main Hall has been painted by contractors and Arts Centre by volunteers. 

g. Speed Awareness Group. Cllr Bowman congratulated the Speed Awareness Group for their continued work in road safety. 



The meeting closed at 9.28pm