CTC Minutes September 2020


Minutes of the virtual meeting of Caistor Town Council held on Thursday 10th September 2020. 

Present: Cllrs J Wright (in the chair), J Bowman, A Clark, S Critten, S Duprat, S Gaughan, M Galligan, C Mackenzie, A Somerscales & S Wright. 

In attendance: Cllr O Bierley, J Hanrahan (Town Clerk) together with 3 members of the press and public. 

1. Apologies for Absence: Cllrs S Davey, J Hughes, C Rudd, M Sizer, & A Lawrence

2. Declarations of Interest: None 

3. Planning Applications: 

Cllr S Gaughan presented his report on WLDC planning decisions and new applications since the last meeting held on 27 August 2020 to the date of this meeting. He explained that there were two applications for the same use of the Settlement in the Market Place. They were for the same change of use but an additional application is required for Listed Buildings. 

a. 141522. 20 Market Place, Caistor. Planning application for change of use from pub with restaurant to shop, light industry and offices. Members welcomed the reuse of the proposed premises and after a vote resolved to raise No objection 

b. 141523. 20 Market Place, Caistor. Listed Building consent for change of use from pub with restaurant to shop, light industry and offices. Members welcomed the reuse of the proposed premises and after a vote resolved to raise No objection 

Cllr J Bowman enquired about the Canada Lane application which had been refused in respect of action to remove the unauthorised works. The Town Clerk advised that that was a matter for WLDC planning enforcement but Cllr S Gaughan agreed to contact them nonetheless. 

4. Chairman's Report: 

The Chairman had little to report other than to praise Caistor Car & Commercial for their work in restoring the Lion to its former glory. 

5. To receive the informal notes and delegated decisions taken since the Town Council’s last virtual meeting on 27th August 2020: 

Members accepted the notes, which had been subsequently authorised and actioned under delegated consent of the Chairman in consultation with the Town Clerk. Cllr J Bowman apologised for hitting the send all button when emailing elected Members accidentally including all Council attendees. 

6. Reports from External Bodies:

a) Police Report: Previously circulated with little mention of Caistor. Noted 

b) LCC Report: No report in the absence of Cllr A Turner, but the Town Clerk advised that comments passed to him on highways have been reported. The Riby Road potholes had been addressed and the damaged fence at the A46/Meadows removed but not replaced. 

c) WLDC Report: Cllr O Bierley had submitted a comprehensive written report but was unable to speak to it due to broadband communications issues. It wasa noted that he was seeking greater flexibility in the opening of the Market Rasen centre. 

7. Town Clerk's Report on ongoing matters: 

a. Markets: Members noted that the number of stalls at the Saturday market has fallen during August. It is unclear whether this is due to the introduction of charging for pitches or the general increase in alternative shopping opportunities. There has been some disagreement amongst stall holders regarding pitch locations and competition. I have advised traders that we do not have an anti-competition policy and expect traders to be reasonable about pitches bearing in mind that some need to be near to the Lion for access to power. 

b. Mill Lane: The Town Clerk has contacted ACIS concerning the possibility of licence, at a peppercorn rent, of the former Mill Lane depot site. The land could then be used for car parking, to support the Town Centre. A formal response is awaited. Cllr S Critten has also approached their Chief Executive. WLDC Planning Consent would be required if ACIS are agreeable to the licence. 

c. Lion: Members noted that the 1897 Lion in the Market Place has been expertly cleaned by Caistor Car & Commercial, in accordance with WLDC conservation advice, and looks splendid. There have been many positive comments on social media. Members were very satisfied with the completed works. 

d. Fencing & Signs: Members noted that the operatives are working around all the public fencing in the town repainting the posts and their bars in black and white. The North Kelsey Road Cemetery Fence will follow in black paint with golden Fleur de Lys. Signage has been improved around the Market Place to encourage visitors to frequent Cornhill and South Street traders. Additional information signs have been added at the Cemetery and Sports Ground car park. Parks Regulation signs will be the next to be refreshed. 

e. Town Clerk annual leave: The Town Clerk will be out of Lincolnshire on holiday and will not generally be contactable next week. He will respond to any messages and emails on Monday 21st September. Any urgent enquiries should be passed to the Chairman for action. 

f. South Street Park Tree works: The Town Clerk explained that Woodpecker Trees, the Contractor, are having some staffing problems due to Covid19 but anticipate starting work in a fortnight, all being well, actioning the high priority work tree works in the park. The works are anticipated to commence within a fortnight. The tree on the playing field at Kelsway will be felled by EDS trees or Woodpecker trees following the quote previously accepted but been subject 

g. Football Facilities: Discussions are on-going with Lincolnshire FA & Football Foundation about improvements for footballers at the Sports Field. This includes Tennyson Tigers, Wolds Wanderers walking football and a potential adult team as well as women footballers. This has arisen due to the need for a publicly accessible, all weather surface in the Caistor area and the failings of Caistor Grammar’s all-weather pitch. The representative of the FA explained that grants were available for equipment including portable floodlights and portacabin / container style changing rooms. The Clubs would like a £1k grant towards the £5k cost of the portable floodlights (£5.5k) to match a grant from the FA. A full report will be presented to the next Council. 

h. Freedom of Information Request (FOI): Members were advised that Mr Stockwood has made an FOI for correspondence between the Town Council, West Lindsey DC and the Contractor regarding the cleaning & repainting of the Lion monument in the Market Place. 

8. Finance: a) Confirmation of Payments & Receipts for August 2020

It was agreed that this matter be considered under item 12 in private. 

9. Correspondence: 

Members were advised that letters and cards had been sent to Mrs Hansard, former PC Roach and Mrs Smith as agreed at the last meeting. 

An allotment vacancy had arisen and been filled from our waiting list which is currently 7 Caistorians, together with an additional two non-residents. 

Lions events cancelled until further notice. Potential remote firework display over Caistor. 

Christmas tree and lights switch on likely to be a remote event. 

10. Parks & Play Areas Monthly Inspection: 

Cllr C Mackenzie ran through her report, in some detail, which would be circulated after the meeting. The key points being: The bowser in South Street Park should be removed as should the Slimming World sign. Safety caps missing from equipment but are otherwise safe. Small swing central bar is broken. North Kelsey Road Community Orchard sign has been damaged and needs to be repaired. The holes in the safety surface need to be repaired. The seesaw and basketball mesh need to be repaired. Cllr A Somerscales to contact the blacksmith in Kelsey for a quote.

11. Reports from External Bodies: 

a) Lincolnshire Cares (Caistor): No Activities to Report 

b) Caistor Goes: No activities to Report 

c) Caistor Sports & Social Club CIC: The Club reopened on 14th August initially for 3 to 4 evenings a week at the weekend but is still trying to reinstate banking facilities and other services cancelled by the former Treasurer. 

d) Caistor Development Land Trust: A successful meeting had been held of directors, advisors, project manager and Lottery. An open meeting is planned on October 3rd and 4th in the building. Members unanimously agreed to the request to use power from the post in the Market Place. A public meeting with visuals is proposed for 14th October from 4-6pm in the Town Hall. 

e) Covid-19 Volunteers: The volunteer deliveries were continuing in Caistor but the food store will operate from Market Rasen for purely operational reasons. 

f) Town Hall Management: The Town hall has begun taking bookings after making considerable operational changes. Face to face Town Council meetings are however, still prohibited and even if they were the acoustics in the main hall are not suitable. 

12. Motion to exclude the Public to discuss confidential matters: It was moved and seconded by Cllrs J Wright & A Clark to move into closed session to discuss confidential items. This was unanimously agreed and the press & public left the meeting. 


Meeting closed at 20:30 hrs (8:30pm)