CTC Minutes July 2020

Minutes of the virtual meeting of Caistor Town Council held on Thursday 9th July 2020, commencing at 7pm. 

Present: Cllrs J Wright (Chairman), J Bowman, A Clark, S Critten, S Davey, S Duprat, S Gaughan, M Galligan, J Hughes, C Mackenzie, C Rudd, A Somerscales & S Wright. 

In attendance: Cllrs O Bierley, A Lawrence and J Hanrahan (Town Clerk) plus 5 members of the press & public. 

1. Apologies for Absence: Cllr Sizer 

2. To receive Declarations of Interest: Cllr Clark (Personal Interest, Item 7 I Lion) 

3. Planning Applications: Cllr Gaughan (Planning Committee Chairman) referred to his written report and recommendations. Members noted the report and resolved to support the recommendations and therefore the Town Council’s responses to WLDC will be as follows: 

a. 141150: 95 Brigg Road. Objection. Dangerous access due to poor sight line to the right of access point. 

b. 141244: 14 Navigation Lane. No Objection. 

c. 141194: Nettleton House. No Objection. 

d. 141195: Nettleton House. No Objection. 

e. 141251: 35cNettleton Road. No Objection. 

f. 141246: 2 North Street. No Objection. 

4. Chairman's Report: Cllr J Wright advised that there had been few items to report. a) He reported on the sad passing of Wes Allison a stalwart of Caistor, and in particular the Town Cricket Club, who will be sadly missed. b) On a brighter note he had presented flowers to Kate Jacobs for her volunteering with Caistor Cares and Caistor volunteer group. 

5. To receive the informal notes and delegated decisions taken since the Town Council’s last virtual meeting on 4th June 2020: Members received the notes without comment. 

6. Reports from External Bodies: a) Police Report: The Town Clerk added that the Police report was the most upto date available. A further report had been circulated to members from the Police & Crime Commissioner. 

b) LCC Report: There was no report available and Cllr Turner had not joined the virtual meeting. Cllr Bowman restated her concerns about traffic speeds in and around Caistor and the need for speed reduction near Caistor Lakes in particular. The Town Clerk advised that her concerns had already been passed on to LCC and are discussed further in his report under item n. Members noted the position. 

c) WLDC Report: Cllr O Bierley & A Lawrence’s District report had been circulated for comment. Members received and were thankful for the comprehensive report but had no matters to raise. 

7. Town Clerk's Report on ongoing matters: 

a. CS&SC Re-opening 

We are currently assisting the Club Chairman making the Club ready for reopening. This includes resurfacing the car park, undertaking health and safety assessments and Covid-19 measures, a commercial deep clean, fire safety and extinguisher checks, food hygiene checks and test plus gas and electricity tests, a full portable appliance. Arrangements for additional stock and equipment storage are to be considered possibly externally. The Social Club’s staff however, are currently on furlough, so these works are being commissioned at the direction of the Club Chairman using professional companies. 

Caistor Sports & Social Club Sections have submitted individual health & safety reports on the facilities that they use, including their covid-19 provisions. These must be approved before reuse of the Caistor Sports and Social Club and grounds is permitted. There has been good progress on these matters and at the time of writing only the Car Park works need to be completed or access across the works be approved. At that point, the Club will be able to re-open albeit with social distancing and restrictions on bar service. It is anticipated that this will not be before Friday 17th July. The various Sports Clubs however, can use the field for training but only in groups of up to 6 persons. To the best of my knowledge none are currently doing so but all are involved in preparing appropriate documentation to do so via Cllr S Davey, our Health & Safety Representative 

Hall Macadam will be back on-site 13th July to complete the car park resurfacing. Their quote of £5370 to level the car park, around the raised grids, to bring the whole car par into use was rejected by the Chairman under delegated authority. It is planned that the kerbed area will contain planters to ensure the area is beautified and not a trip hazard. 

Members noted the report. 

CS&SC Vandalism. 

A group of teenagers have caused some criminal damage at the CS&SC including the damaging of a waste bin at the children’s play area and handrail on the club steps. There is also damage to the safety surface which will need repair. The bin has been repaired by WLDC and the Police have identified the culprits from CCTV footage and are dealing with the matter. Kim Hodson is to repair the fence and rail. 

Members noted progress on these matters. 

c. Markets 

Saturday Market. 

The success of the Saturday food market has been encouraging both in providing a service to the public but also in helping traders earn a living. The Town Council waived its fees during lockdown even though our costs increased due to judiciously managing the event. We are almost at capacity for traders with social distancing. There is however no pre-booking. Now that all retail can open unrestricted Members may wish to reinstate its charging of stall holders (£5.25 / trading space used). WLDC have reopened the disabled persons toilet in the Town Hall car park to support the event. 

Members agreed that Traders should be written to informing them that charging will be reintroduced from 01/08/2020. 

Wednesday Food Market 

This has recommenced from Wednesday 1st July but with a new start time of 12 noon, with marshalling and social distancing and toilet facilities. 

Members noted the Report. 

d. Town Clerk’s Review 

Cllr C Mackenzie, as Employment Committee Chairman, is undertaking the Clerk’s annual review on 15th July. After which she will report back on her findings which will have been discussed with the Clerk. We are still awaiting the result of the CILCA application which has been delayed due to the Covid-19 situation. 

Members noted the Report. 

e. Covid-19 Volunteer Group 

The work of the Caistor volunteer group has been exemplary during the crisis and is now being considered to be retained post covid-19 as another community asset. They are hoping to keep the foodbank in the Town Hall temporarily but will seek a long-term base perhaps at the Methodist Church Hall. The group is working with Caistor Cares and has delivered parcels to 255 clients. 

Members noted the report. 

f. Church Steps. 

Advance Brickwork & Masonry has satisfactorily completed the repair of the church steps for the quoted price of £1200 (inc: labour, materials and vat). Additional works however, have since been requested, to form a gravel surface to the steps, this would help in wet or icy weather. The works have been quote as £710 plus vat including rubbish removal and approved under delegated powers. The contractor is on site this week. 

Members noted the report. CAISTOR TOWN COUNCIL 

g. Grass Cutting 

A Member has commented that the level of grass cutting requires improvement. The Clerk has spoken to Glendale who had reported issues with furloughed staff but now claim to be up to strength. Kim Hodson has commented that grass growth is proving difficult to keep on top off. I have suggested to him and the Chairman that he seek additional help as a sub- contractor during this period. This has been agreed with immediate effect, his helper will work between 10-15 hours a week weather permitting. 

Members noted the report. 

h. Mill Lane 

Contractors for ACIS have begun the demolition works of the old depot at Mill Lane. The Council’s salt stocks are able to be left on site during the demolition, but cars will not be able to park there during the works. A full planning application for planning permission will follow from Caistor District Development Trust / ACIS. 

Members noted the Report 

j. Street Lighting & Flower Baskets 

Lincolnshire County Council are proposing to replace the lamp posts in Caistor and have indicated that brackets will be removed not withstanding previous consents. I have disputed this approach and am awaiting a definitive response. 

Members noted the Report 

i. The Lion 

Cllr Clark declared a personal interest in this matter as a relative worked for the contractor. 

The condition of the Lion has been deteriorating for some time. The Lions had previously undertaken its care but due to prevailing circumstances had been unable to do so of late. On researching with Liz Mayle, WLDC Conservation Officer, certain restrictions and processes had been highlighted which need to be adhered to and consequently quotes had been requested from 3 specialist companies in the local region. One had advised that they were not bidding due to distance and a second were too busy to quote. A third, experienced local company, has submitted a verbal quote of £2995 to clean and repaint the Lion. This verbal quote however, has yet to be put in writing together with a method statement. 

Members welcomed the cleaning of the Lion and agreed to award the contract to Caistor Car & Commercial. 

j. North Kelsey Road Double Fence. 

Jon Waterman has inspected the site and has quoted £970.40 for the works (based on his successful South Street Park fence rates). His quote has been accepted. These works will provide double Lincolnshire post & rail fencing to fill gaps in the hedge line. These gaps can then be planted with hedging as appropriate. 

Members views agreed to award the contract to Jon Waterman. 

k. Caistor Grammar School 

The Tree in the grounds has not been granted a TPO and it will be felled in the interest of safety. The school’s 11+ exam dates have been announced as 5th and 12th September. Cllr S Davey advised that the school were changing the exam dates to October but dates were yet to be finalised. 

Members to await further information. 

l. Cemetery & Sports Club Planters. 

Planters had been requested via Caistor in Bloom to protect the grass verge next to the newly created parking area to prevent car owners from cutting corners and to beautify the cemetery approach. They were however, considered to be located too far from the Town Centre. An alternative provider has been identified and will provide the flower boxes at the Cemetery and Sports and Social Club for £40 each. 

Members resolved that the planters be acquired and installed. 

m. CIC Progress. 

The appropriate forms have now been formally submitted to the Companies House for Registration. An acknowledgement of receipt has been received and response is expected imminently. Upon registration the CIC will formally meet, to map out future operations and will invite representatives from Clubs to sit on the CIC Management Committee and to nominate 3 persons to become CIC Directors. They will also consider their advisors including the Bar Stewart and Cllr Stewart Davey to act as Health and Safety representative as he does for Caistor Lions. 

Members noted the update and endorsed these arrangements. 

n. Traffic Issues 


Members have reported a range of traffic related issues ranging from high speeds on the High Street and North Kelsey Road, Fast moving Tractors and their trailers on Brigg Road, fast moving traffic on Horncastle Road and articulated lorries using Whitegate Hill. The speed camera group have received consent to recommence monitoring. 

These issues have been passed to the Lincolnshire Police, Lincolnshire Highways and the Road & Safety Partnership for their consideration. 

8. Finance: a) Cassells Internal Audit Report 2019-20: 

b) Payment & Receipt of Accounts for June 2020

The internal auditor has checked our records and has asked for some technical changes in relation the method of recording payments and receipts on our RBS system. Once complete he can complete our annual return (AGAR) for forwarding to PKF Littlejohn our district auditor. 

Members advised that they had received the schedule for the wrong month (May) instead of June and the quarterly report had additional records covering July. The Town Clerk apologised for his error and advised that he would issue the correct paperwork tomorrow for agreement. 

9. Correspondence: 

Several letters have been received. Two are concerning the CS&SC (already discussed), one regarding multiple pot-holes on roads in Caistor and one regarding the Planning Application to the County Council for the renewal of the Egdon Resources surveys at South Kelsey. The complaint about road and pavement surfaces had already been the subject of complaints from the Town Council to Lincolnshire County Council but will be reiterated. Members agreed to continue to object to the fracking survey (PL/0067/20). 

10. Parks & Play Areas Monthly Inspection: 

Cllr S Gaughan reported his Inspection findings: 

  1. a. Millfields: There was a post without a sign, safety surfaces need some attention. Swing chain needs attention. Stream embankment needs attention. 
  2. b. North Kelsey Road: Some litter was present and the safety surface is damaged. 
  3. c. South Street Park: some litter was found, and safety surfaces are worn. There is a missing handle on the bridge. Branches overhanging the roundabout need to be trimmed. The residue of the damaged fence at top of the park needs to be taken down. The school area needs to be tidied up. 

The Town Clerk added that most of these matters were already being addressed. 

11. Reports from External Bodies: 

a. CS&SC: Cllr A Clark is investigating the possibility of hosting a memorial event for Wes Alisson on the cricket field. She also advised of a visit by Banks Long & Co regarding valuation and WLDC concerning the CCTV as well as the Fire Safety Officer regarding fire alarm. 

b. Caistor & District Community Trust: Cllr S Critten indicated that the Mill Lane and COOP projects were all progressing with demolition at Mill Lane commenced

c. Caistor Goes: Cllr C Mackenzie reported that the group had been given a Community Champions award 

d. Caistor Cares: had presented 151 afternoon teas to Caistor’s vulnerable residents which were warmly received. 

e. Covid-19: Members were reminded that the Group was still active helping residents with prescription and shopping collection. 


12. Motion to exclude the Public to discuss confidential matters: 


It was moved by Cllrs J Wight and A Clark that the Council move into private session. This was unanimously agreed. 

Meeting closed at 8:40pm (20:40 hours) CAISTOR TOWN COUNCIL