CTC Minutes February 2020


Jim Hanrahan, Town Clerk, Caistor Town Council, 14 High Street, Caistor, LN76TX. Tel: 07900340026. Email: caistortc@outlook.com 

Minutes of the meeting of Caistor Town Council, held on Thursday, 13th February 2020, in the Council Chamber, Caistor Town Hall, North Street, Caistor. LN76QU. 

Present: Cllrs J Wright (in the Chair), 

In Attendance: Jim Hanrahan (Town Clerk) and 4 members of the press and public. 

1. Apologies for absence: Cllr A Somerscales 

2. Declarations of Interest: None 

3. Minutes of the meeting held on 9th January 2020: It was proposed by Cllrs C Mackenzie and A Clark respectively that the minutes be approved as a true record. It was resolved that this be agreed. 

4. Chairman’s Report: The Chairman had nothing to Report since the last Council meeting. a) Receive the minutes of Committees: Members agreed to receive the minutes of the Economic Development (16-01-20) and Environment (23-01-20) Committees which did not require decisions from the Town Council. 

5. Reports from External Bodies: 

a) Police: PCSO Dawn Cowling had provided a written report. Members noted that there was scant information about Caistor crime in the report and that the Police website was often months out of date. It was noted that the proposed cluster meeting did not take place. Members requested the Town Clerk to ask if the Police could attend from time to time. 

b) Lincolnshire County: Cllr Tony Turner is unwell and the Chairman agreed to contact him with the Town Council’s best wishes. The Town Clerk invited Members to contact him with any County Council queries and he would convey them to the appropriate Department. Several issues were raised: 

• Kelsway: Uneven and broken paving slabs 

• Castle Hill & Cromwell view: streetlights not working and potholes appearing. 

• Westbrook Grove: water running across road, drain-pipe needs broadening. 

• MUC: County Clock is 15 mins late 

• ACIS: bins on Plough Hill always outside. 

• Bobs Lane: Bins outside properties 

• Meadows: A46 barrier still needs repairing. 

• ACIS: wooden fence on Horsemarket contrary to the conservation area. 


It was agreed that the Town’s annual newsletter should encourage folk to contact the Town Clerk with any issues in the Town and members could view longstanding issues on their tour Members asked for a representative of County Highways to make a site visit to view these issues. The Town Clerk agreed to contact County Highways, ACIS and West Lindsey on these matters as appropriate. 

c) West Lindsey District: Cllrs Angela Lawrence & Owen Bierley had provided a written report to Members which was appreciated. 

7: Town Clerk’s report on ongoing matters: 

a. Town Hall Car Park: The Traffic Order has been duly advertised on site, the Parish Notice board and in the Market Rasen Mail. The Town Council considered issuing permits to residents, without their own parking space, and to employees of businesses in the Market Place area. Members decided to take no action at this time to allow usage to settle down before considering any system of permits. 

b. South Street Park: Quotes have been requested for works to several dead or diseased trees in South Street Park, especially in the vicinity of the play areas, together with a tree survey and maintenance plan. Only one quote had been received but others are expected. A decision was deferred to The Town Clerk and Environment Chairman to accept an appropriate quote. 

c. Leases: The draft leases for the Caistor Sports & Social Club and Caistor Town Cricket Club have been sent to them for approval. The CS&SC have yet to respond but the CTCC have requested some minor changes and the lease will be signed imminently. Members awaited the Club’s decision on the draft lease before taking any further action. 

d. Land Registry: There has been a most disappointing response rate to our Solicitor’s requests for affidavits supporting the Town Council’s case for registering its assets. The affidavits are being chased up by our solicitor but Members agreed to contact townsfolk direct. The town Clerk to advise Members of those persons contacted. 

e. Cornhill: The Town Council’s claim to ownership of the Cornhill Square is progressing with both Lincolnshire County Council and West Lindsey District Council not claiming an interest and Land Registry not showing any ownership. It is reasonable to conclude that Caistor Rural District Council owned and maintained the tarmaced area, pre-Local Government Review in 1974, and that it ought to have transferred to Caistor Town Council at that time. Affidavits to support this ought to be possible from the Town Councillors first elected in 1974 and significant residents. 

f. South Street & Cornhill Traders: The increasing number of specialist businesses in South Street and the Cornhill area would like signage to be improved, from the Market Place. This can be achieved by additional fingerposts at the corners of the Market Place and possibly via some iron works over the pedestrian steps and slope indicating the history of the area (similar to the Strait in Lincoln). Ideas and quotes from suitable artistic ironworkers are being sought. Members were very supportive of this idea and were keen to see it progressed. 

g. Caistor Neighbourhood Plan: Steve Kemp of OpenPlan has been appointed to lead the process and we have been awarded grants totalling £13,140 from Locality in respect of our Neighbourhood Plan and the Housing Needs Assessment. Stakeholder workshop meetings are now proposed. Additional funds if required can be applied for next financial year. Dates and venues are yet to be finalised. 

h. CCTV Update: The specification has been drawn up for a new provider of the internet link between WLDC and CS&SC and tenders are awaited. Progress on the Caistor Market Place scheme is slow. Members were most displeased at the lack of tangible progress and requested that Grant white (WLDC) attend the next meeting. 

i. Environmental Systems: who installed our new foul waste pump at CS&SC have offered to carry out a yearly maintenance of our foul pumping station for the cost of £148. This would cover the cost of the services of engineers to attend to carry out a full electrical- mechanical maintenance of the single foul pumping station. Upon completion they would submit a full written report detailing any recommendations and proposals. Members believed that the Club ought to be responsible for this matter as they are causing the problem. 

8. Finance: 

Members noted the Town Clerk’s advice that the Council’s budget is as per expectations and that there is likely to be an anticipated surplus at the year end. This will be transferred to reserves and is likely to be of the order of £10,000. It was proposed and seconded by C Mackenzie and A Clark respectively, the Report & Bank Statements and the schedule of Payments and Receipts be approved. This was resolved to be agreed.

9: Correspondence: 

a. John Swinden, of 132 North Kelsey Road, Caistor, has requested Town Council support for a reduction in the speed limit near on the road near to his home, from 40mph to 30mph. Members recognised the issue and were supportive of his idea. 

b. Safer Roads Fund: Lincolnshire County Council are proposing some improvements on the A1084 between Caistor and Brigg. Within the package of measures we are looking to introduce a short section of footway to relocate the dropped kerb crossing point on Brigg Road north of the Caistor Lakes Leisure Park to make the crossing point midway between the two bends. Members agreed that crossing the road was difficult and had no objections to the proposal. In respect of the origins of the layby and access point it was noted that the landowner had accessed the field at this point for many years. 

c. Lincolnshire Lowland Search & Rescue: is a Registered Charity, committed to two objectives: Assisting in the search, location, welfare and rescue of missing children and vulnerable missing adults, utilising professionally trained volunteers. More information is available at their website, www.lincslsar.org. Members suggested they be referred to Caistor Lions as we do not grant fund other than local initiatives. 

10. Parks Inspection Report: Cllr S Davey reported that the Parks Signage was extremely faded. 

a. The South Street Park had debris from Storm Ciara which needs to be cleared. Some moss had grown on the safety surface and needs clearing. The fencing needs to be reviewed. The bonfire site has vermin activity and needs repair. Play equipment is fine but would benefit from a wash. 

b. North Kelsey Road. Equipment is in good working order but there are some missing covers/grips. Some surfaces could develop into trip hazards. One bin was full. The dog bin lock needs attention. Fencing on North Kelsey Road needs replacing. 

c. Millfield’s entrance is worn but equipment is in good order. Some graffiti needs removing as does greenery on safety surfaces and a small repair is required. 

11. Reports from meetings of external bodies and groups

a. Caistor Goes: Cllr C Mackenzie reported that they had not received a grant from COOP. An application for Lottery Funding had been submitted. The AGM is due in February at a date to be agreed. Matching funds had been applied for from WLDC. 

b. Caistor Cares: Cllr A Clark reported that attendances remained high (30+) and Harry Mimms had attended for the first time at the age of 94(?). 

c. Caistor Sports & Social Club: Cllr A Clark reported that there had been an issue at the Club which will be raised in the Confidential. The pressing issue is the condition of the approach road outside the club entrance. Members recalled the quotation received for these works and agreed it should now proceed. 

d. Caistor & District Community Development: Cllr S Critten updated members on the AGM which will be on Wed 26th February at 7.30pm in the Town Hall. The project manager interviews for 2-4 Market Place are due to take place next week. 

12. Confidential matters: It was proposed and seconded by Cllrs M Sizer and C Mackenzie respectively, that the Town Council move into closed session. This was resolved to be agreed and members of the public and press left the meeting.