CTC Minutes October 2020

CTC Council Minutes 08-10-2020 


Minutes of the Caistor Town Council meeting held in the Town Hall, Caistor on Thursday 8th October 2020, commencing at 7pm. Please note that the Town Council is still operating under delegated powers to the Chairman in consultation with the Town Clerk. 

Present: Cllrs J Wright (in the chair), J Bowman, A Clark, S Critten, S Davey, S Duprat ,M Galligan, S Gaughan, J Hughes, C Mackenzie, C Rudd, A Somerscales, M Sizer & S Wright. 

In attendance: Cllr O Bierley, J Hanrahan (Town Clerk) and two members of the press and public. 

1. Absence & reasons given: Cllr A Lawrence gave apologies due to high covid risk. 


2. Declarations of Interest: Cllrs S Davey and M Sizer declared a non-pecuniary interest as school governors, in Item 3 Planning Applications (5d), which is an application by Caistor Grammar School. 


3. Planning Applications: Cllr S Gaughan presented his written report on planning matters which had been circulated previously. Members welcomed his comprehensive report and agreed with his recommendations on current applications: 

a. 141618. 5 Riby Road, Caistor. 

Planning application to errect a single storey entrance porch. No objection 

b. 141665. Land to South of 95 Brigg Road, Caistor. 

Outline planning application to erect 1no dwelling – access to be considered and not reserved for subsequent applications. WLDC’s previous decision to refuse this application was supported as the proposed exit onto the A1084 would have the potential for a serious traffic accident. Members unanimously Objected on these grounds. 

c. 141669. 2 Varlows Yard, Caistor. 

Planning application to extend the existing dormer and install doors with a safety rail. No Objection 

d. 141687. Caistor Grammar School, Church Street, Caistor. 

Planning application for change of use of Beech House ground floor to a staff room, staff area, laundry and sink area and IT room, and the first floor to remain residential use, and Lindsey Building Flat from residential spaces into one large classroom. No Objection. 

e. 141727. Land adj, 15 Grimsby Road, Caistor. 

Planning application to erect 1 no dwelling with private drive and garden. No Objection. 

4. Chairman's Report: The Chairman had nothing to report due to the Covid restrictions on events. 

5. To receive the informal notes, minutes and delegated decisions taken since the Town Council’s last virtual meeting on 10th September 2020: These were duly noted and agreed. 

6. Reports from External Bodies: 

a. Police Report: Members welcomed the written report but were astonished at the alleged average speed of vehicles on the bypass The lack of information on Caistor was noted. 

b. LCC Report: Members noted that highway issues which had been previously reported to LCC were taking a long time for them to resolve. The town Clerk agreed to chase progress. 

c. WLDC Report: Cllr O Bierley answered questions on his written report which had been circulated previously. He undertook to advise on how many fly-tippers had been actually prosecuted or advised as to their future conduct. WLDC were still asking LCC to reopen the Market Rasen tip more broadly but a new registration system was being installed. Members welcomed the provision of a key to the Town Hall toilet held by Cllr M Sizer. Members noted the reduction in dog faces in the Town apart from at the Sports ground and on bridleways. 

7. Town Clerk's Report on ongoing matters: 

a. Employment / Personnel Committee: Following the recent resignation of Cllr C MacKenzie as Chair, Cllr J Bowman had taken on the position in the interim. It is suggested that the Committee’s remit be amended to include health and safety matters, however this suggestion was rejected. It was subsequently proposed by Cllr A Clark and seconded by Cllr J Wright that a new Committee be formed as Personnel and Employment Committee and that Cllr S Davey be elected as its Chairman. This was agreed. The membership of the Committee was agreed as Cllrs S Davey, A Clark, S Duprat, M Galligan, S Critten, Martin Sizer, S Gaughan & J Bowman. 

b. Caistor Youth Council: Cllrs S Duprat and the Town Clerk have met virtually with Andrew Garbutt of LCC to discuss the potential for greater engagement with young folk in Caistor. He was wary of trying to set up a group during lockdown. He advised that it better may be better simply making contact with existing local groups and schools to prepare the ground for a formal group in future. He advised that keep youths engaged is difficult unless you can establish their interests. He is happy to advise further in future. Member’s agreed that Cllr s Duprat and the Town Clerk make contact with schools and other groups, hopefully leading to a formal group being established in the future. 


c. Caistor Tennyson Tigers (CTT): has been awarded a grant from the Football Foundation towards the cost of 8 portable floodlights, being £2153 toward a cost (incl. VAT) of £2871. CTT has requested a grant of £1000 towards them and associated equipment. Members deferred a decision until Finance Committee had considered the Council’s financial position. 


d. Sports Field: The maintenance and improvement of facilities at the sports ground have been discussed with football clubs following the improvements on the cricket outfield after the impact of the sun last year. The Football Foundation (FF) has indicated that they have significant funds to support such initiatives. Members agreed to the investigation of possible FF grant support for such initiatives. Final decisions on whether to proceed further will be considered at a future meeting. 


e. Town Hall Car Park Toilet: Following representations from the Town Council, made via Cllr O Bierley, WLDC are happy for one of the stall holders to have a key so they can open the toilets on market days. It was noted that Cllr m Sizer now held the key at the Post Office. 


f. Millfield’s Park: One of the two deep water signs over the stream has been removed. A replacement, costing circa £39 (plus vat) is on order with Total Signs. This will be fitted to the cage by our operative. 


g. Play Area at North Kelsey Road: The caging at the basketball area has been safely welded and the see- saw duly repaired largely thanks to Cllr A Somerscales and contactor Matt the blacksmith from Kelsey. 


h. Saturday Market: The Saturday Market is continuing to operate with a healthy number and variety of stalls. Clashes continue to be reported as traders vie for the best pitches but several such issues have been resolved amicably. Vehicles have been reported driving though the market due, to a lack of controls and maybe additional post mounted advance signage is needed. Members agreed that the cost of these signs be investigated further. 


i. Mill Lane: The whereabouts of the 8 tonne of salt which were removed from the site by ACIS has yet to be located. ACIS agreed to simply move them on site but have taken them off site. As winter approaches, we need to ensure the Town has salt supplies. 

Cllr S Critten is pursuing the matter with Greg Bacon, Chairman of ACIS. 

j. Cannon Kirk Homes: Members will be aware that CKH need to find a 400 sqm site to plant trees which are to be removed from the Hospital Cemetery. Would Members be agreeable in principle to assist them with use of some land a North Kelsey Road playing field. They may also be amenable to the Town Council looking after the cemetery site once cleared, on the same basis. Members declined the location but agreed to find suitable locations for the trees. 


k. Electric Vehicles Recharging: Members will recall approving obtaining costings for 4 EV charging points in the Town Hall car park. The estimated cost being circa £10k but eligible for Central Government grant of up to 75%. An application has not been made to the fund as yet. Members agreed to defer that application until Covid-19 is better controlled. 


l. Health & Safety (NEBOSH) Training: Members noted that Cllr S Davey is the Council’s health and safety representative. It was proposed by Cllr A Clark and seconded by J Wright, and subsequently agreed that he obtain this qualification, at Council’s expense, to give Member’s confidence in his advice. 


m. Tree at Varlow Road/CSSC: Members will recall that EDS trees previously quoted £550 to address the ivy on the tree and its low branches and its taking down to hedge level, but have not been able to carry out the works to date. Woodpecker Tees have subsequently submitted a much lower quote of £300. I have therefore commissioned the work, under my delegation, as the tree is deemed dangerous due to its low hanging branches and proximity to property


n. CCTV: Grant White (WLDC) has advised that he is currently negotiating with LCC re-use of their lampposts to support the cameras proposed for the Town. Members noted that once agreement is reached with LCC he will advise the Town Council further on the appropriate annual contribution from CTC towards the cost 


8. Financial matters: 

It was proposed by Cllr J Wright and seconded by Cllr A Clarke that financial matters be discussed in private session. This was unanimously agreed

9. Correspondence: 

a. Castle Hill: Mr Stopper of Castle Hill has asked for Council support to get LCC to carry out tree works on overhanging branches which are preventing the WLDC leaf cleaner from accessing the road. The Town Clerk has sent subsequently a formal request to LCC via fix my street. 

b. Overhanging Tree in South Park

Mrs Hodson of Burnett’s Yard has asked that a branch of a large tree, overhanging her property, be cut back. Woodpecker Trees have reported that the tree is healthy and not dangerous. I have asked them to carry out a further investigation and am awaiting their report. Mrs Hodson is adamant that the tree should be cut back. Members agreed to accept Woodpecker Trees advice. 

10. Parks & Play Areas Monthly Inspection: 

Members noted that Play Parks Inspections Ltd will now be visiting the Council’s play parks in early November 2020. 

11. Reports from External Bodies: 

a. Caistor Cares: It was noted that no events organised and financial support awarded from WLDC lottery and Coop. 

b. Caistor Goes: It was noted that no events had been organised but informal wreath laying is being supported on Remembrance Sunday. Cllr J Wright has acquired a wreath from RBL on behalf of the Town Council. 

c. Caistor Sports & Social Club CIC: Cllr A Clark presented her written report which was noted. Members were open to consider her comments on the Club’s possible extension and roof survey. The Town Clerk to seek quotes for the structural survey of the roof. 

d. Caistor Development Land Trust: 2-4 Market Place progressing well although public consultation has been delayed. Mill Lane also progressing now the site has been cleared. Potential parking likely. The whereabouts of our rock salt / grit to be pursued by Cllr S Critten and the Town Clerk. 

e. Covid-19 Volunteers: Volunteers continuing to provide a service albeit the store has been relocated for operational reasons, from Town Hall to Market Rasen. 

f. Town Hall Management: AGM has been held with Cllr S Gaughan attending. No new executive committee members were elected. 

12. Motion to exclude the Public to discuss confidential matters: Cllr C Mackenzie and S Critten moved and seconded the motion which was approved. 

a. Incident at Sports Ground car park: A member of the CIC committee tripped on the kerb in the Car park and had a nasty fall. In order to minimise the chance of recurrence, the bins are to be moved, so as not to impede the path and some warning signs placed on the kerb. It was unanimously agreed that the kerbed area be used for bin storage and be fenced accordingly. The replacement of exterior lighting with LED lighting was also approved. 

b. Staffing Matters: 

To resolve to request the assistance of a clerk recommended by LALC to minute this meeting: Helen Pitman. Resolved unanimous. 

To discuss and resolve on the findings of the internal auditor and the way forward: 

The chair of the finance committee gave a detailed account into the audit report and her findings since taking over management of the council’s finances. Concerns and a number of questions were raised throughout the report. 

Much discussion took place with many questions posed by Councillors. The advice given by LALC to make appointments to deal with this matter was followed and the acting clerk gave advice as and when necessary.

1. To appoint an Investigation Panel: 

Cllrs Rudd, Galligan and Critten. Proposed, Cllr Wright. Seconded, Cllr Davey. Resolved unanimous. 

2. To appoint a Disciplinary Panel: 

Cllrs Gaughan, Davey, Clark and Duprat. Proposed, Cllr Wright. Seconded, Cllr Somerscales. Resolved unanimous. 

3. To conduct an investigation with Helen Pitman as officer: Proposed, Cllr Sizer. Seconded, Cllr Critten. Resolved unanimous. 

4. The clerk to relinquish the role of Responsible Financial Officer until the conclusion of the investigation is known and to remove authority for the clerk, James Hanrahan, to access internet banking and closure of all bank cards associated with the account with immediate effect. Proposed, Cllr Sizer. Seconded, Cllr Critten. Resolved unanimous. 

5. To appoint Cllr Bowman as chair of finance to the role of Responsible Financial Officer: Resolved to appoint and to authorise Cllrs Jayne Bowman and Martin Sizer, who are already account signatories, access to internet banking. 

6. Annual Return for the year ended 31st March 2020: After seeking clarification from the internal auditor, the accounting statement presented to council is incorrect and is not ready to be signed off. To defer to next meeting. 


The meeting closed at 10.32pm