Delegated decisions April 2020

CTC Delegated Decisions: up to 9 April 2020 

In the absence of a formal Town Council meeting I have set out some reports for information together with actions undertaken in agreement with the Town Mayor and where possible following email consultation with Members. 

1. Town Clerk’s Report: 

a. The Town Clerk is working from home. RBS financial software has been added the Council’s to his laptop to ensure data is kept up to date. 

b. The minutes of the previous meeting held on 12th March 2020 have been circulated and were agreed as a correct record. 

c. The Town Clerk in consultation with the Town Mayor were given delegated powers at the last Town Council meeting to take appropriate actions on behalf of the Town Council. 

d. Burton & Dyson have been instructed to form a Community Interest Company (CIC) for the management of the Sports Club. This will be based on the existing Club Constitution and Management Committee, with a Board of six including the three Town Council nominees. 

e. Market Place traders, selling food stuffs, have been given free pitch payments during the Covid19 crisis. Social distancing is being managed by our handy person in association with Lincolnshire Police. 

f. Hall Macadam have completed the works to form a surfaced car park at the Cemetery. This was funded from earmarked reserves. 

g. Resurfacing works at CS&SC have begun but have been suspended pending the lifting of Government restrictions on construction work. 

h. Fencing and associated works at South Street Park have similarly been suspended. 

i. Several allotments have become vacant. Folk from our waiting list have been offered the plots. Most offers have been accepted but some responses are still awaited along with signed tenancy agreements. 

j. The opportunity for holding Council meetings using Whatsapp, Zoom or other video systems is being investigated. Members will be advised of options in due course. 


2. Financial Report: 

a. Members are asked to note the Income & Expenditure Report and Bank Statements. 

b. Members are asked to approve the schedule of Payments and Receipts for March 2020. 

c. Members are advised that the end of year accounts (2019-20) will be circulated shortly for approval and forwarding to the internal and external auditors as appropriate for approval. 


3. Correspondence: 

a. Reg Percival has submitted a Freedom of Information request, in relation to the Town Council’s decision to form a Community Interest Company to operate the Sports and Social Club. 


4. Caistor & District Community Trust Cllr Steve Critten) 

a. Mill Lane 


With regards finance, looking at the current and expected expenditure and what we have received so far we are looking at an estimated shortfall of approximately £4800. The town council did agree to funds of £10,000 and so far have given £6750 for the 10% matched funding from Homes England. So if the offer of the remaining £3250 that will leave £1550 outstanding and I can hopefully apply to WLDC matched funding grant for this remainder. Our project manager and ACIS have been continuing negotiations and are happy with Mark Hodson's proposal with a few adjustments and the full planning application will be going in shortly. As you know the application for the removal of the existing buildings is already in. 

  1. b. 2-4 Market Place. 


As previously reported this is ongoing and with the newly appointed project manager in place she is putting plans together on Microsoft projects which will give timelines for each activity. CTC Delegated Decisions: April 2020. 

c. Caistor Covid19 Volunteer Group 


Our local group has been running successfully with a couple of minor hiccups with great help from Jim Hanrahan, Councillor Angela Clark and Councillor Jayne Bowman co-ordinating the volunteer list magnificently. Rebecca Axcell has also been of great help, setting up a CIC, bank account and card payment methods which fingers crossed should be up and running by the beginning of next week. This will alleviate the need for using cash and lessen the risk of contamination not only between volunteer and vulnerable but also the shop assistant. We have made contact with other local groups as well as Cannon Judy, Salvation Army, WLDC, LCC, Lincs Wellbeing and Morrisons working well together. We had our first referral from a neighbour for somebody who had lost their job and had no income. We provided a food parcel partly from our essentials store as well as purchasing some fresh items using our donations pot. We have had £500 from Alpha Fire and Air ltd who sponsored the tree a couple of years ago as well as £500 from the just giving page and also an offer of £250 from Caistor Lions. As usual the community of Caistor have outdone themselves with over 50 volunteers offering to help our 50+ vulnerable that we are assisting. 

CTC Delegated Decisions: upto 14-04-20 

a. CS&SC 


As the Club’s key holders had not timeously supplied keys to the Town Council as Landlord nor to Chairman of the CS&SC. It was agreed that all the locks at the CS&SC should therefore be changed as a matter of urgency. Authorised lease and license holders would subsequently be issued with keys as appropriate. 

CTC Delegated Decisions: upto 30-04-20 

a. Events 


All social events in the in the Town have been postponed until further notice. 

b. 12 High Street, Caistor 


It was noted that The Town Clerk and several Councillors have forwarded complaints about unauthorised use of these premises for commercial cat breeding and the burning of cat faeces. The cases are being investigated by Planning & Environmental Health Enforcement at WLDC. 

c. Town Clerk 


It was noted that the Town Clerk’s office is closed until further notice. However, the Town Clerk is working from home, and calling to Caistor weekly to check the post and inspect the Town. He can be contacted during office hours in the usual way on 07900340026 , by post at 14 High Street, Caistor LN76TX or by email 

d. Fix My Street 


It was noted that Lincolnshire County Council were considering our request to freshen up the Zebra Crossing on Caistor High Street. 

e. Financial matters 


The Chairman endorsed the End of Year Accounts and annual return for submission Cassell’s the internal auditor and agreed the schedule of Payments & Receipts April 2020. 

f. Parks & Play Areas 


It was noted that whilst no formal inspection has been made this month the Town Clerk and General Maintenance contractor are checking the play equipment and parks for faults. The seesaw at CS&SC is causing concern as we have been unable to discover the manufacturers of the damaged seat and have been quoted £’000s for a new seesaw. It maybe that we can replace it with rubber matting once the lock down is over. The Play areas are all closed during Covid19.